
Lol I feel attacked


"That little bit of soil just hits right"

The organic fertilizer about to hit left in ten minutes:


Four years ago, while watching your videos, cherished ideas about a small garden began to sprout in me. That passion grew steadily, motivating me to make it a reality. Now, after much effort, my family has bravely bid farewell to the noisy city life and embraced the peace of the countryside. We are diligently cultivating our land, transforming it into a vibrant garden filled with lush, green vegetable beds.

My sincerest thanks to you for sparking this dream with your inspiring videos. I continue to be a devoted viewer, constantly seeking new knowledge to make my garden flourish.

Wishing you continued success in inspiring even more people!


Carrots are one vegetable that always gave me fits. I reached the point i told my brother, if they dont grow this year then I'm done. He talked to a friend whose dad had a carrot farm and sure enough it was a soil issue. I just couldn't get the soil loose enough.  I moved to a raised bed and I have successfully raised 3  crops of carrots now.


2:37 The Jacques Tickle 😂 I feel like this needs to be the name of a carrot-juiced based cocktail as well.


Another use for carrot tops: Carrot Top Tea! 
Wash the tops really well, pick out any dried/yellow parts and discard. Drain and lay out in an even layer (no thicker than 1/2-1 inch) on a wide basket. Dry in a well ventilated area, turning and flipping the stems and leaves gently every other day or so. When fully dry (anywhere from 1-3 weeks) cut the carrot tops into 1.5-2 inch pieces with some clean kitchen sheets. Then lightly toast in a dry pan, stir constantly so none of it burns. If you have a lot, toast in batches. They’ll turn light brown but don’t let it get dark or burn black. Store in clean dry jars. 
Brew maybe 2-4 Tbsp of dried carrot tops for every 2-3 cups of boiling water. Can re-steep. I use a metal mesh tea strainer thing so it’s easy to just lift out of the hot tea when I’m read to sip. It has a roast carrot flavor. I like it in the winters when I want something hot to drink, but no caffeine and no sweetness.


Great Planting method. Less thinning. The PLATING Method :  Learned from an African grower that cannot waste seeds. She uses a Ceramic dinner plate. Non windy day.  Put about 25 seeds on plate and slowly as you move across the furrow move 1 seed for every 3 or 4 inches off the edge of the Plate.  Works like a charm and you get x3 more rows of carrots.


The carrot on the right still has a great personality.


If you lay toilet paper in the row and sow the seeds on top of that, they will germinate much more successfully. Also, mixing the seed with sand will help you to spread the seeds out a little more, so you don’t have to thin as much.


Happy that Kevin seems genuinely happier in his recent videos now that he made some changes to Epic


Hello there. I am an American expat living in the Tokyo suburbs. I have an extensive garden and last year I grew over 75 fruits and vegetable on just under 1/2 acre of land. I grow mostly fruits and vegetables that are native to Japan but this year I am branching out a bit. We have an 11 month growing season here. I would love for you to see my garden.


A technique I learned for planting carrots was, to take a plain white paper towel and dampen it.  Now place the seeds on the towel (which makes it so much easier to see as well as space them apart) and plant paper towel, seeds and all.  Works great.


Grow next to Okra, the roots of the okra allows your carrots to grow deeper. I had an amazing crop last year.


Carrots are one of those crops that seems like it will be easy, but certainly is not. I've found it to be one of the hardest to get consistent results.


Hey Kevin, if anyone in the epic family has enough experience with it, could we one day get a video dedicated to "growing in the shade", whilst explaining how it works, like when they say part shade or full shade with strong ambient light or growing in a sunny window. I'm always confused with what my shady or fully shaded/no direct light spots are considered as and what would be considered good ambient or filtered light, and honestly just what it all means in general lol.

Carrots reminded me cause last season I grew them in a spot not knowing as winter came it would drastically less sun in the day in about half the bed, but even with like maybe 3 hours direct light per day once winter was here they grew basically just as well as the rest did.


It’s not just size but also weather.  It gets too hot for carrots in the South by mid June so they have to get pulled by then.  Unless you only grow them in the fall.


Your video brings back so many memories!❤; my mom was so unique.  We had an acre n she grew everything!!!!:we had at least 25 vegetable types, n about 12 fruit trees, grapes all kinds...it was heaven.  And to this day, I remember her checking the carrots n bringing one up.  She cleaned it with water n gave it to me.  Since then I am addicted to carrots.  She ended up teasing me that I was a carrot😅😅😅😅great days!❤❤❤❤


After years of carrot failure I switched to planting pelleted seeds and have never looked back. I get a great harvest every year with no thinning. Downside is there are fewer varieties that are pelleted.


You’re both an inspiration and a great teacher.  Thanks!


Don't forget Atomic Red carrots!  I sowed carrot seeds the other day.  Red Atomic, Danvers, Nantes, and Imperator.  They're under a board at the moment.  I really enjoyed this video so much that this is the 3rd time watching it!  I tried a method that most people will probably shake their heads at.  I decided to make seed papers.  (Hey, I had insomnia, so I put it to use)  Take a piece of paper towel, split it so it's single tissue. Spread dots of washable glue (little kid's glue) and use a toothpick dipped in water to put a seed or 2 on each glue dot.  Let it dry.  When you plant it, the glue will dissolve.