
Do you think she’ll do it?


Simon has such a nice way of convincing people they can do it. Top bloke.


I've got a dream πŸ˜‚. 
Do what Simon is doing, maybe 5 or 10 years down the line.
The world needs more people like him.


You come across as a very down to earth person guy ..,you brought tears to my eye ❀


What a sweetheart. God bless your generosity and all the best to this young lady.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Simon you are crazy and you make people go crazy with you


God bless you Simon I love you my brother , you inspire me


I am so glad I found this channel. Thank you for bringing positivity in this world πŸŒ»πŸ‘‰βœ¨πŸ™Œ


My partner was so happy when you said that you don't need the papers because she's been in hospo for 20 + years and has no "certification". Everything she learned was on the job and is one of the best barristers in town. Love what you do and let the best of your past be the worst of your future.


You can't deny learning a craft from a pro is worth the effort


1000% Im a 2nd year engineering undergraduate. Now I'm an executive assistant for a tech startup coach running the business by myself. Uni sometimes is a scam


So accurate. Don't waste your money on university just do the work and get paid. Hands on is so much more valuable. Best way to learn.


🀯Wow! What an offer! I hope she takes him up on it… if not Simon I invite you to LA & I’ll run a cafe & wellness studio for you. Your business savvy & my health experience, we can call it Coffee β˜•οΈ & Coherence! πŸ˜πŸ’†πŸΎβ€β™€οΈβœ¨πŸ§˜πŸ»


Agree, university is good only if for specific jobs (like Doctor, lawyers) but for most of the activities uni is a waste of money and time


Woooow!!! She is soooo sweet!!!


Simon is the living example of paying it forward. What he said in this video is totally right sometimes you need to dive right in and get some life experience even if you fail it’s a part of the process. I wish more people were like Simon in terms of their honesty.


Well done Simon the world need more people like you !!


This is fantastic. She is awesome too btw. Fantastic




Anyone who respects her authenticity and courage.πŸŽ‰