
Photo is courtesy of the very talented Saby Menyhei: https://www.artstation.com/menyhei


I wish I could read , watch and enjoy the Harry Potter books and movies just like the first time.... all that excitement and emotions of finding a new fictional world where every kid wanted to run away to. I miss those days when HP, Narnia  was all that we discussed with friends and watch the same movies on weekends. Whenever my local newspaper or a magazine mentioned HP , I would cut out the article and store them and I still think I have them somewhere in my home. Now I am an adult with a job , but I would do anything to go to Hogwarts !

Edit 1: 6k likes !! ...that's the most likes I ever got on YouTube. Thankyou everyone! 😊


Who else listens to the Movie soundtrack while reading the books?


man i miss coming home on the first day of christmas break and seeing all the harry potters on ABC family back in the day


it is CRIMINAL that the never won an academy award for best soundtrack


Listening to this while reading a harry potter book with a hot chocolate with marshmallows next to you...i cannot think of something better than that. its just getting immersed in the magical world


the dislikes are from muggles and death eathers


Rest in peace Maggie smith 😒❀


Stay in peace Maggie Smith😒


If you want to go to Hogwarts JUST SHIFT YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


Who remembers dreaming of what butter beer taste like when reading these books


If you are reading this, I hope you have a wonderful day


I put this on to go to bed its so soothing and puts me in a good place and i fall right asleep!


Who would like to quarantine at Hogwarts ?


Great 😊 Brillient Outstanding Music 🎢🎢🎢❀❀❀


Who's else is listening this soundtrack while playing hogwarts legacy πŸ˜„


I always feel there is a parallel universe where Hogwarts is really exist


RIP Professor Minerva McGonagall


I’m still not over how that owl never showed up.


Hogwarts Legacy brought me here.