
One more thing I didn't cover in the footage: Nokt is the Elemental Master of Brute Force

Unboxing video of these sets (and more) up NOW! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/ww28jgojJG0


That bonus combination they show for the mech is giving heavy Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers megazord vibes!


Set designers confirm that DR S3 will feature Zane on his gym arc.


Nokt's powers are "Brute Force"? Wow, Ninjago making anything an elemental power. 😂


The collaboration between show and set designers to make sure the forbidden 5 stay close to each other is good to hear but I’m more confused why Nokt doesn’t have a cape.  Did you ask the designers about that?


That mech is so cool, the designer knew what he was doing making the individual pieces look good


6:56 DINO TANKER!!!!


That Zane's combo mech is suprisingly huge


You’re so lucky to see them early. I can only dream.


Riyu got an accurate tail, but at what cost 😔🙏


I wished they showed how Nokt looks without the mask


These sets look great! I can’t wait till you get to review them in hand!


Jesus christ I clicked faster than Jay believing Ras


It seems like the ultra combiner mech is really sturdy when you're playing and posing it because he was not going at it that carefully!


Seeing these two sets actually in hand and moving, plus the figures, is so cool. Thank you for this video.


I wish i wad one of these some day 😢


The Giant Zane remind me of Dino Megazord from MMPR.


Looks like zane had been working out to gaet buff


I'm really excited for the mech. I really like sets that transform or split apart. Really liked Chima's summer 2014 wave.


Why that Zane mech looking like a Transformer?!? 😭

Its crazy that this information was all announced during the hype of Transformer 1 too. 😭