
Hi Tom… Lacewood, Sycamore, London Plane… regardless… the only show in town is the medullary rays🎉🎉 Brilliant! Love the sinker sycamore too and the back story… rich! Anyways… looking forward to seeing these metamorphosis into beautiful guitars👌👏


Dude you deserve so much more subscribers and views. I’ve been looking for a channel like this forever because I want to start learning more about tone woods and eventually trying to make my first guitar.


Another great video!!! It’s crazy how excited I get about new TT videos and the info to be relayed, even when its wood I sent!!!!


Hello my name is Peter, I have an addiction  to wood! Thanks for contributing to such. Merry Christmas.


Nice!  Thanks Tom.
Sycamore is one of those woods that initially caught my eye as striking, but because it doesnt have a big following I haven't searched any out.  (Yeah, embarrassing).
Hope you and the crew have a great holiday!


Great Video.  Looks similar to Australian Lacewood from 'Australian Guitar Timber' in Queensland milled by David Linton.


Is it john fahey playing in the background? Great in depth video btw


I have a semi-hollow electric guitar with a heavily-arched top made from two pieces of London plane and a one piece English walnut back - also very heavily arched. Rims are walnut from the same tree.


Fiddleback wood shack had some spalted plane for ukuleles which made an extrmely good uke, great resonace and a surprising sustain.


Beautiful wood, with amazingly deep and smooth resonance. Would you be using it for the back and sides, or could it be used as the soundboard?


I'm an Australian we have a timber that's looks just like that we call it SINKYOKE


Of the three sets, I liked the sound of the sinker set best.


Nice timber! The London Plane with the magic fluid looks sort of like bird feathers.


Beautiful wood!  But I am now soooo confused.  I realize that London Plane and English Sycamore are different from both each other and their US counterparts.  But would you expect London Plane and English Sycamore to give you similar tonal properties?  Both woods are gorgeous!  (full disclosure:  I have a TM in English Sycamore/European Spruce from Rosie at Turnstone that is very pretty in both appearance and tone🥰)
Thanks, John
Gig Harbor, WA


See huge specimens in the Inns of Court in London.


Seems like a wood that you can do similar things like with mahogany?  Top, back, sides?  Imagine a full guitar made of this, it would be pretty Syc… sorry, someone had to.


you missed the chance for an awesome pun with this wood's name 🤣


Someone’s had a tad too much whiskey 😂


I'd love to comment but I don't have anything smart to say.