Brilliant documentary, did not know too much about the Irish gangsters but this tells it all. Well done on this, excellent video and thoroughly enjoyed.
O.m was the most powerful gangster in U.S history. His legacy is alive and well.
I wasn’t aware Liverpool was in Ireland. How was he Irish? His parents were but he wasn’t.
‘Is that your money or the bank’s? We only want the bank’s money’ Sounds like De Niro in Heat 😁
The man with an arrow pointed at him in the thumbnail is not Owney Madden. Owney is the shorter guy with the light colored suit and hat.
He was English man born in Leeds.3
For a gang that was so well liked they sure got ratted out a lot!
Thank you 💛
That intro sold me i subbed
Great video!
@2:29 great book! I highly recommend reading it
Did he just say, "flewed in"? 😂
It's worth noting that Hot Springs, Arkansas is the town that Bill Clinton grew up in...which explains a lot.
He was born in Leeds. The family then moved to Liverpool
The famous boxer Jack Johnson owned the cotton club prior to Madden
wuw who is the group playing the opening music? damm that is awsome
One day the entire truth will be told about j Edgar Hoover and his criminal ways of enforcing the law
All the prohibition era history i was blissfully unaware of. Excellent! gotta check out "Paddywhacked"
Liverpool England as some of most infamous gangsters bar none …