What a great sum-up! Thank you Tom&Tony! Noemi, she's the greatest! 🔥🔥🔥
The event was so good! It was my first year going and it was so fun.
It was my first Fretboard Summit. I brought my son and loved it.
We need to keep Tony coming to Summit. He is an ultimate Guitar Geek and a great interviewer
Thanks so much for the shoutout the kind words! It’s called Foosball though, and I recall beating you 😂 🍻❤
always dig listening to you two rad guitar-heads .. .
That crazy Bilt/Frank brothers/caroline guitar and the Shock the Fox/caroline guitar was so fun! And I was happy they were playing through my little Newton 10 amp a lot in that room!
Hey that’s my guitar teacher. Hi Tom! So fun to see videos of all my fave guitar people hanging out!
So incredibly well done!
I did two, 1 & 2 in California!!!!!
Agreed! Bruce Guitars and Micah Bruce: “his guitars are absolutely stunning; He’s good at everything he does, Micah does it masterfully, very tastefully…” lucky person who gets to own a Bruce guitar. 🤩
Loving the interplay between you two. Tom, your British sense of humour with your loving undercutting of Tony’s earnestness is so delicious! Can’t wait for more on The guitar of the show: the one that Tom delivered to Tone (yeah, another one - tell me about it!) 😅
Love Fretboard Summit - so bummed we couldn't make the last one but setting our sites on next year.
The Kostal 😮😍
One way to know that you’re a guitar guy is that you call a Lamborghini a hot rod. 😂😂😂 Hell yeah Tony 🤘🏼
I miss the Acoustic Tuesdays also. Still have the coffee mug and Guitarsenal shirts. His proceeds went to Guitars 4 Vets. Thanks
Whitney is a saint Tony LOL
My Halland is only outmatched by my love of the builder. What an amazing dude. And Tony P I can not believ we have yet to meet around Bozeman.
Missing Tony on YouTube……