
I used this when I was serving in the marines, loved it in my first deployment at Black Mesa


MP5 looks so handsome when grown up


"Squad, we got Freeman!"


I already knew and can imagine the amount of people immediately thinking about Half Life, it's the damn grenade launcher..


When half-Life veterans saw this weapon flash backs:


This is the sweetest G3 I've ever seen


The Half-Life special


Gordon doesn't need to hear all of this, he's a highly trained professional.


308 caliber, 0-1-3-A trigger group, AND a grenade launcher?! I think I'm in love!


I think HECU will definitely like this


Those 7 little red bullets on the lower look so cool. H&K built everything perfectly, functional and aesthetic




Halflife had an Mp5 and a m203
this is G3 with an M203.
A blackmesa speical supersized.


Remember, switching to your Crowbar is faster than reloading.


My service rifle when I was a paratrooper in the German army. Super reliable and great caliber.


This guy is about to clean up the mess at Black Mesa


Bro got dat Black Mesa Loadout


I feel like the g3 series in general produced some of the sexiest firearms


That rifle, setup like that, is a life goal of mine.


Man... I saved in the Army for 3 years in Turkey. They mostly give us G3. I had my G3A3 serve me for 3 years faithfully. God I miss this rifle so so much.