This I very useful for my zero AK’s
The Battlefield music makes this video even better
Wild with the Operation Metro music ; _ ;
This is so common. Routine maintenance isn’t common with a lot of folks. Pistols are only made to last for about 10K rounds at best before recoil springs should be replaced. I’m not sure but I think Ak springs last like 15K rounds or so before the spring is trashed. Most common overlooked parts on AR has got to be gas key rings 100% if your BCG can stand on its face without collapsing your rings are good, if it collapses they’re toast. Stay dangerous folks!
My man re-discovered the forward assist
My man discovered what we all should know
Forward assist after chambering a round comes naturally wen used sa80 🤷♂️
Thank god for Eugene Stoner
That old battlefield music🤯🤯🤯🤯
Dudes got one of the coolest stories on YouTube imo love the content
I saw a video yesterday of a guy on the Frontline in Ukraine kicking the crap out of the carrier handle trying to get it closed. Pretty sure that spring failing is how it got that locked up.
Epic . You're an inspiration bro 🇨🇦👍🇺🇸
Even with brand new AKs I think a great improvement is a 5-10% increased spring. I use them on any AK I plan to really run as not only will it last longer: it marginally improved felt recoil and increases reliability. Though on a new AK with proper mags reliability is gonna be perfect as long as the rifle is cleaned correctly.
We call that slap a forward assist in the UK forces, we had to do it a lot with the sa80s in the beginning
Good to know and remind me to replace my spring. Lol
Bless you my man ❤,i wish i would have been with you my man ❤from Suffolk England 🏴 🇬🇧 🙏 ❤
God bless the forward assist
Just checking the mag after you load one is easier in my opinion. Check the mag if top round is on left after you load it remove mag now the top wound should be on the right.
I would improvise take the spring out and stretch it a little bit boom guns fixed. I'm not saying it's a complete fix but in a combat situation I would have just stretched the spring done deal with it later when I wasn't getting shot at