blake is such a warrior for sticking it out even if he had to poopoo
Adam talking about his body within two minutes has to be a record. It wouldnt be TII without Adam bringing up his glutes or quads. This guy could have the ability to shape shift and he would still have body dysmorphia.
Havent drank in 100 days but definitely having a couple 5 Hour Hen-ergy's tonight
Adam looking like TJ from recess these days
“You know what, I guess cops are doing all kinds of cool dope shit we don’t even know about”😂😂 that one got me off balance
Durrs blowing up the fuck toy 31:13 had me rolling 🤣
I can’t wait to hear Adam talk about his AEW appearance in 2 months!
17:34 “Dude. I’m not going to say this, again. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! AND I’M GONNA DO, WHATEVER I WANNA DO! AHHHHHHHH!”
Those party boxes be slapping. I do the same thing as Blake lol
Blake is betting it all on jeopardy and absolutely cranking that steely dan… he’s so high T I love it
Kyle betrayed me
It's been 32 eps since Kyle left.
Poor Issac, I got the joke. :) Please do it each EP,. specifically when the guys are starting the topic.
Adam saying gobble gobble before bed is sooo fucking funny 😂😂😂
Lets appreciate Isaac trying to step up and give topics for the boys to talk about! Maybe take some fans comments for suggestions next time ;)
Probably my favorite episode in the last month. Adam’s sweating from the Kratom fun when you get into it.
BlakeT energy💪💪
Yes! Points!!!!!!!
We’re here we’re queer we want more beer let’s goooooo