
Outback Mike shows us how to blend military and survival skills to make our experiences in the wild unique!

Go check him out for more outstanding adventures! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5iQ1gK9yav01X0QB_aB5fA


Watching your video "How this Survival Expert Turned a Massive Log into Amazing CANOE", is really very enjoyable........ Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia is entertained


Makes you appreciate the amount of work traditional canoe maker's of the past, put into making their canoes, using just hand tool's. Although he used modern electric tool's, he still put in a lot of hard work with his traditional hand tool's.


This is an incredible video. Michael's work is amazing! Thank you for this introduction to his great adventure including the historical inspiration, as well as his talent ,strength, and dedication. The narration was outstanding and fascinating and greatly appreciated. Thank you!


I think it's great that you're taking on the challenge of a sea travel adventure with a self-built canoe. 
It looks like a unique canoe that can function like a small boat, as it's built to withstand the waves and storms of nature.


Theres only a few who have the skill,expertise and determination like Mike. You are a genius mate.Thanks for sharing with us.


Сколько ума, расчёта и труда вложено в это. Супер.


That guy is insanely strong. Well done. Who cares how he builds it...he DID IT! KUDOS


Tahniah kawan, anda melakukannya dengan baik sekali👍


Wow, what a magnificent project. Well done that took a lot of work and  determination. 👍👍


This project serves as an inspiring reminder of what can be achieved with skill, determination, and a profound respect for nature.


:trophy-yellow-smiling:Thank you very much for sharing another great great and beautiful video take care  All the best:face-red-heart-shape:


The fact that it took a year to build this canoe doesn’t surprise me at all. All together planning and sourcing the log, probably took the better part of two years.


Really appreciate his effort and creativity in his work. Thank you for sharing this fascinating video.


Mike, ❤ you are a legend! 👍👌 Great skills in building the canoe, amazing to see this video, all the worlds 🌎 good 👍 luck for the future, from Northern Rivers Australia 🇦🇺 ❤❤ 😊


good work, diggah!...very satisfying for us viewers to share your singular success with this phase of your project, study...be well, sir!


Love From India 🇮🇳 ...... To You Bro..


Awesome and outstanding.Thanks for sharing and taking us along


It’s cool to see they used chainsaws hundreds of years ago. Thats awesome