
9:33 bless you


Kila: BV 155 is the king of turning.   Spitfire: Hold my tea.


The golly at 1:34 got me


This thing is a monster in sim. Definitely fills the bomber hunter role and fighter as secondary


I thought this was something you could turn fight in a p51 since it was so large I was dead wrong


your decal is probably one of the best ones


Teaching my buddy how to play, and in one of our games he said "The fuck is a BV-155? I'm turning with him.." (In a fuckin' Mustang) I was like "OH GOD NO DON'T" Too late fam. Absolutely ate my boy and he is now terrified of those fucking things.


11:40 lol i would have died so fast here


Man I wish I got this vehicle but couldn’t because I was homeless :(


Why do you use imperial system for speed and engine temperature, but use the metric system for altitude and distance?


10:00 so out of context




also fun: this things gets the minemgeschoss on both its guns so it can just explode enemies


12:45  me at a family reunion


At 1:05, why does Bro laugh like talking Ben 😭 ✋


The goofy plane that is failure,but is good


Lmao I spat my drink hearing that 😂 9:57


Love ur vids, when ur back could you try the premium  ki-100 at 3.7 for japan, i love that plane and i'm sure you would shred the entire enemy team


thank you for your service kila


Nice job on that 100K Kila! Also, good luck for 6 weeks on August 20th!