Gonky I will be praying for you for a speedy recovery and that the knee operation will be a success - sending positive vibes your way. Great show and great MHM as always!!! 🙏👍💥
Good luck Gonky and prayers for your success.
Best of luck for the knee. But also looking forward to the Mover and Casmo Show.
I like cool intros but tbh I'm not here for the intro, I'm here for the show and you guys. Best wishes for the surgery Gonky!
Gonky, all the best on your knee operation, you will be missed on the next show. Great show as always. With fat Amy coming to DCS people have be moaning that it over powered and just zapping people BVR. You will have to do Viper vs Fat Amy dogfights, Maverick style heaters and guns😂
Good luck with your surgery Gonky. Great show gentlemen. See you next week, hugs to Ms Luna.
Geçmiş olsun gonky.good Man.
Another great show guys!
Come on guys you are studs! You are both fighter pilot's. How many of us could do what you guys did? I would hire you guys anyday over anyone else.
I never had a hud till I had 3000plus hours so it was neat but not hard to learn. I do have the neck problems but I am age 77 so all bets are off. Mover, you really understand the system. Good on ya.
By the way, Doug, your pronunciation of Kızılelma was spot on.
@1:58:26 Programs like this should be the vetting process for a pilot slot. Get accepted as a civilian and choose the best qualified candidates and natural flyers to compete for active, reserve and guard slots. Be a win win for the military and general aviation. Even if you weren't selected, if you completed the program you would have your PPL on the government dime.
You guys should have Wags on again if possible. I think you might be surprised about how much data is publicly available on the F-35, and how accurate they plan to stimulate it. Sure, like you said, it won't be 100% realistic. But no DCS module is.
Great episode as always! Casmo and WOMBAT on the same episode would be a blast! Also, all the best for your surgery Gonky!
Last i heard we planned on making another 10 or so Ford class Carriers with all the newest radar, defense systems, EW systems etc. Each cost around $13B.
Sweden has gonecto a light turboprop for the initial training and will later use the Gripen D as its jet trainer
You should get with bunker branding Demo Ranchs merch company for YouTubers by YouTubers they do all the merch
To the point about T-6 direct to MWS, we are already doing that in the C-130J community.
The pronunciation was good 🇹🇷 It was the first flight of the 3rd prototype First flight was like 3 years ago