Certified interesting teaser
This memories?,yeah I remember it since I was 10 years old,and I keep checking Julius scizzor's channel everytime just to see interesting videos,i get supper hype when julius scizzor upload a video, and I always remember a word its (he's dead)
i will never forget my times hopping on a server made by julius back in 2020, and making friendships on his discord server before he moved and moved again
Yet another horrendously underated creator ❤ keep up the good work
Damnn indeed a lot of things have happened for the past couple of years gl on studying both of ya
Dude istg your best work has probably been Apocalypse. Please continue it if you have the time :)
wow that was really cool
julius before:Normal julius now: hey julius asks when will you make a new mod or update a minecraft mod?
Good times those were, really good
I subscribed for almost 3 years lmao
The memories 😥
wait a minute.. could we finally be getting block doors in SCP Collab????
0:39 Mmm
Good old times ...
Jul.. don't tell me you're reviving an old and ded addon from its grave and into a new one of itself. I see the evidence at 0:39 on where you looked at the keycard reader and tried to click on it. The keycard reader is now a block. Could this be... Either the revival of scp collab, or a completely new version of it? If so... Then dear god im going to put myself in testing hell if you do decide to do multiplayer test worlds with an ded addon that you decided to revive.
Goodluck with your exams!
scp collab/js edition(for the ogs) revival? lets gooo
Nobody is the last