
Watch PAINTING with RAVEN! Available now on WOW Presents Plus: https://www.wowpresentsplus.com/painted-with-raven


I LOVE Mrs.Grag Queen, along with Lolita and Taiga from Mexico she’s my fav international host


“Go to college” … resonates lol


I loooove me some Grag Queen. Here's to many many seasons of Drag Race Brasil <3


Raven is too self-centered and culturally unaware to do these interviews. She was so disengaged while Grag was being all bubbly and giving her best.


Greg Queen is such a entertainer. She has that Star Quality presence!!!


Only queen that can make me watch raven


GRAG AND I have the same idea… A LATIN AMERICAN DRAG CON !! Lets do it ! NOW !! I love it ❤


The MOTHER and the LEGEND Grag Queen, we love you mãezinha


The queen of the universe


Grag is our Queen


Grag Queen, Brasil in the house YAAAASSS! 🎉❤🇧🇷🇧🇷


Can Grag Queen please release a Christmas album?!


Buc3t4!!! hahahahahahaha amoo!


grag queen stans rise up !!


YAAAASSSSSS our BR host ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🇧🇷


Amazing voice


O inglês da mamãe afiadoooo adoro




She's so interesting and funny