
안녕하세요, WRG입니다 :)
약 1년 간 저희가 직접 작곡하고 연주한
음악을 모아 첫 Mini Disc를 발매하게 되었습니다!
CD플레이어를 통해 들으실 수 있습니다.
또 저희의 음악을 소장하고 싶으셨거나
선물하고 싶으셨던 분들을 위해 제작했습니다.

많은 관심 부탁드립니다!



Academic Comeback starts today, my goals are to end the school year with all A's and 1450 SAT score

Edit: I got a 1370 on sat 780 math English 590. But super score I got 780 math 610 English . Sooo 1390 which I’ll take I was more focused on getting a high math not focused on English. That’s the score I’ll be sending to most colleges.
Grades I got all A’s for all my classes which is taking 3 ap. I have one b in English cuz my English has always been bad. 
Those interested I’m applying to colleges for quantitative finance or financial engineering. 
I’m ED Stevens institute of technology. Love the campus, my dad went there, there quantitative finance program is good, and close to NYC. 
Applying to UW, Rutgers NB, Vtech, Purdue, Binghamton, Temple(hopefully I don’t die😅), and UMich


이 댓글을 읽고 있는 분께, 괜찮아요, 가끔은 슬프고 외로울 때가 있어도 괜찮아요. 어려운 시기를 겪고 있다면 버텨주세요, 계속 나아가세요, 하지만 포기하지 마세요. 새벽이 가장 어두울 때입니다. 인생에서 큰 성공과 건강하고 행복을 기원합니다!


I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!


whoever's reading this, stay determined. life can be hard sometimes but you got this!


여러분 아프고 힘들 수 있어요 괜찮아요 그러니까 아프고 힘드면 좀 쉬고 살면 되요 무언가를 너무 잘할 필요도 나를 희생해가면서까지 무리하지 말아요 일, 인간관계, 삶 모두😢❤


To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. may peace and calmness fill your life. ❤


To whoever is reading this, I hope you heal from the things you don’t speak about. I hope you find peace within your day. If all you did was get out of bed today, have a glass of water, or even just did whatever you could, just know that’s the best you could do at that moment and that’s okay. Everyone sleep well and I hope the waves of relaxation wash over you. Sending love and healing and light to all of you. ❤


화이팅 💀💀💀💀


2 reports, 3 major exams and a dance presentation will start this week. I can do this!


For everyone who is going through a hard time in their personal life and also trying to study...I am with you my friend. Hang in there. We'll make it through this.


재방문입니다. 음악이 좋아요


여기 댓글 왜 이렇게 따뜻한가요?🧡


Hey you. Maybe you're scrolling through the comments, like me, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep and not stress about everything going on in the world or what you are going through. Don't focus on things from the past, don't stress about your future. Live your life to the fullest because you only have one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what others want from you. For me, tomorrow morning I will wake up, exercise and appreciate life for the wonderful blessings that it has. I hope you do the same as me and have a great day! Stay safe and relax. Wishing everyone in the world peace and happiness


The smooth rhythms and soft melodies keep me focused and productive all day long


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life ❣


Hey there! This sound is seriously amazing. To whoever's checking out this comment, I'm sending you vibes for loads of success, good health, love, and all-around happiness! 🌟✨


this comments section is full of kindness and hope, I love it❤