Pleased you addressed this. I've just purchased a Go3 and X4. I could tell 95% of videos were sponsored including loads of my favourite creators. I had to hunt for smaller creators to get a fairer reflection of what the devices could do. It was very frustrating. Wish it was easier to find out the more negative and balance reviews.
Thanks Jeven, for putting this out. Thanks for staying loyal to us🙌 big respect 🔥
Thank you for the transparency. I hate when companies try to skirt these requirements.
Good video, and agree with everything here. I’d also take your “if it’s sponsored, it’s not a review” comment a step further: If you’re a creator and are sending a copy of your video to the company before and to approve, it’s not a review. It’s marketing, and frankly, should be disclosed. Same goes for sending creators exact titles, and even video hashtags to use for “reviews”. It’s marketing.
I don't know how to react, to be honest. I do get products from them but I've never been sponsored and I never actually asked for sponsorship because I genuinely like the cameras and want to create videos my way... I am working on X4 right now and my stomach is getting very uneasy about all this. I am now very afraid that once I publish the video, I'll be attacked left and right in the comments.... on the other hand, there are other companies that are not to be trusted. I've had VERY BAD experience with DJI that completely used me and my content. They asked for my videos to be used in DJI Mimo in exchange for free product and that was 3 years ago. My channel was smaller but I had decent views.... I still keep their emails. I got nothing in return and when I emailed them how come I didn't get the promised gimbal as everyone else had it, they brushed me off.... so then they promised another product last year.... nothing... I will never give them anything again and I have no interest in working with them. If you see their product on my channel it is because I bought it myself.
Very glad you made this video Jeven...this helps other creators also understand how to navigate this better, and when to say no and walk away from a project/ client.
Good timing. It was kinda getting obvious how every other insta360 product review kept saying how "better" that product was compared to virtually everything else in the market.
Now they're asking their remaining creators to make "Insta360 changed their policies" videos to share with their audiences. We need to start a bet around who is going to release those videos first. I have couple of names in my mind already.
not disclosing a sponsorship is a federal crime btw
This is a messed up situation indeed and not the first time we see this from the big brands. I´ve worked with insta in the past, and on the latest X4 and despite how much i love the X4 and the GO 3, this is not okey. Fortunately there are good people working at insta360 which goes by the book, and of course people that don´t. And this is a worldwide marketing issue with all brands, not only insta. I´ve never been asked to hide my sponsorships, nor delete or change parts of the video unless i got the technical facts or typos wrong by speed. So i can only go by my experience working with them which has been professional. But im really glad you´ve pointed this out Jeven, so they can clean up, fix it and get on a professional level with all creators, not just a handful.
I bought an Insta360 Go 2 based on "reviews" and immediately after getting it I found that it wasn't nearly as good as the reviews showed. Slow file transfers, bad image quality, a lot of features didn't work like they were supposed to. I'm super cautious of reviews now.
Within the last year, I’ve noticed more and more PR people asking for what they refer to as “mock reviews”. These are exactly what you’re talking about and it’s just dishonest. Mad respect for you to call them out on it and take a stand.
I'm disappointed with Insta360, but I'm even more disappointed with the creators who clearly disregarded FTC guidelines. I've seen so many videos where the video is clearly sponsored, or the product was provided by Insta360 for launch but no disclosure is made. According to FTC If you have a relationship with a brand in any way, even if the product was a gift with no strings attached... you need to disclose. If you accept product (or trips/services like you mentioned) in exchange for a video you need to disclose, If you have a "year sponsorship" you need to disclose. It's not complicated.
Iphonedo threw them under the bus too ! Good for you guys
Great video! Thanks for sharing not only your experience, but also how you approach sponsorships in general.
I knew something was suspicious when I kept seeing all the Insta360 "reviews" from every creator I follow being uploaded within the same hour... thanks for being transparent with your story.
Thanks Jevon, I am a long time subscriber, even though it may a while before I get sponsorships on my videos. I have a day job. I appreciate you bringing awareness to this situation dealing with questionable practices to could end a channel. Love your content.
Hey bud, your honestly blows me away! I love the stance you made. I’m a human that ALWAYS goes to YouTube (hopefully to trustworthy creators). You releasing this without malice or negativity shows me that you care deeply about your reputation and have a firm grasp on doing the right thing. Having a new (super small channel) on YouTube. Note: that this profile I am using to comment is not my actual channel. I don’t feel right using this subscriber comment section to try and grow my channel without the creator’s permission. That little disclosure aside, I again thank you and you’ve earned my subscription and like for this honest content. I am aligned with the quote “do better Insta 360”. Great video look forward to getting to know your channel more. ❤
Thanks for posting. I saw iPhonedo video and it completely made sense. I have the x3 and it's okay, you can get some interesting angles for sure. The reviews for the x4 were over the top but the footage they were shower wasn't really matching their descriptions. There are a few creators I've lots a bit of trust in for sure.