There are 7 types of fabric folds that exist, and they are as follows: 1.Drop folds 2. Pipe folds 3. Diaper folds 4. Spiral folds 5. Zig-zag folds 6. Half-lock folds 7. Inert folds. This video is still very imforamtive and will definitely help me in my clothing art-making ventures. Thank you again and always, Marc!
Remember for all things in art: it only has to be convincing enough If you understand the rationale behind folds, you can create more than convincing folds or anything else including lighting, anatomy, foreshortening, colors etc... In fact, don't copy. Make it better than real life as Jeff Watts of Watts Atelier always says. At the end of the day as an artist, you're interpreting reality (or what we call reality) and giving it your unique personality and spin.
i love your art style
I like how every time you find a new way of teaching or learn something new you upload new videos to keep us updated. One day I'll save the money to take your course, thanks for everything sensei!
at 7:50, the reason youd do the dress type folds that way is because theyre disappearing around the side of the shape, not because theyre chaotic or random.
One of the hardest things to master for me in art, thanks for the lesson master 🥳
Tbh the recipes advice is really important. I have noticed for myself that it just is much more helpful to study specific clothing (e.g. looser T-Shirts) than learning only the fold types and hoping that I can get around constructing them on my own out of imagination.
No matter how much I've learned, there's always something new ahead. Like a checkpoint in games. Never thought of the folds on clothes or the shape they take. Another great video Marc. Looking forward to the next great class.
This was the most effective guide to drawing folds i've seen. Thank you very much!
Besides art skill you have great clear english voice . This help understand and educate language too
I was just having issues with drawing fabric, this is perfect timing! Thank you for all your tips and classes, you’ve helped a lot in my art journey!
I was just thinking about cloth folds while I was working on my artwork, and this automatically popped up out of nowhere is a somewhat of a coincidence lmaooo, folds are the literally are the most challenging this to draw, but that doesnt stop me in learning them everday. Thannk you so much Marc Senseiiii soonner or later I'll surely enroll to your artschooll!
With these art tips, I too will soon be able to draw Power!
"Folds are Chaos" - words to live by
Well, thanks for the birthday present Marc, I'm off to get your class. See you over soon!
Thanks for the class Marc.
You makes everything so simple, i wish i could draw something like you someday ðŸ˜
ive legitimately been having problems with this recently and have been looking up a ton of videos and references!!! this came in at the perfect time!!!!
GAD DAYUM thats a new revelation! Thanks Sir Marc!!