
Fused Zamasu Voice Actor did so well in sparking zero


Zamasu’s actor is easily one of the best in Super. Same goes for Frieza. Those two go INSANE when doing the voices in both the show and video games.


Fav content creator at this point. I enjoy being able to sit down and roll up n burn one while I watch this. Bro always drops at the perfect time


I’m glad to see my goat ZamZam getting the representation he deserves


Pov: me after lockdown 0:07


I love your videos, your commentary is funny asf and just watching you has made me a better sparking zero player so thank you!


The best use for the buff is doing combos into super. The buff makes your combo scale slower so you get a high damage super even after a combo string.


12:07 I think he had some hard feelings 😭


The buffs didn't change at all... They just went from 3 to 2 cost. Only certain characters got bigger buffs like SSJB Goku's Kaioken/SSJB Evo Vegeta that went from +2 to +4 or SSJ4 Goku's 5 second buff that went from +3 to +8. A +2 is still just a +2, it's just that it's a 2 cost now.


here before this mans channel pops tf off


Should i start making sparking zero content along with my other content?


W zamasu vid ik that soundtrack it's lr zamasu from dokkan battle🔥💯


He hits like a damn truck but I still feel like just normal fused zamasu is slightly better still due to his Regen skill, and slightly better combos, but the fact that Light of Justice is now 2 is amazing you can spam it now 😅


Yo Reek I want to see a video on SSG Vegeta. Hes got some really cool attacks


i knew i wasn't tripping when i heard pokemon music 😂


Corrupted Zamasu has one of the coolest ultimates in the game


Legendary SSJ team: Base broly Z and Super and Base kale  

Sorry for the Spam just throwing out some ideas of DP team these videos have been my favorite watches as of recently


I love your vids bro keep up the good work id love to see you use this Wrath of the Dragon team with Videl Tapion Kid trunks and Goku end if you get the chance too


Back 2 back reek uploads🔥🔥🫡


Hey Reek how did you get so good at this game?