It feels safe, warm, refresh, and at ease everytime I watch your videos. In the middle of chaos in internet, I have a safe place to go, thank you.
I love how you involve your kid and other kids and even cats in your gardening <3
I love this atmosphere. It is truly a psychological comfort ✨💚💚💚
Hello! This is probably the dream vegetable garden of many people. Thank you for sharing these beautiful and authentic scenes with everyone.
Your creativity really shines through in your videos. Always a pleasure to watch!
watching this video from USA sipping hot cup of tea, dreaming of a garden that I might have and the green grass on which I might walk bare foot <3 you keep my dreams alive. Thank you for sharing your life and it's beauty :)
Ваши видео так прекрасны! Люблю их смотреть и часто пересматриваю. Некоторые у меня вызывают слёзы, потому что какие-то показанные моменты настолько чудесны, что мои эмоции не могут выйти по другому, мое сердце и душа замирают в восторге. Спасибо 🙏❤
Obrigado por partilhar conosco a beleza dessas imagens. Cultivar a terra é um trabalho árduo, mas a colheita recompensa tanto esforço. Saudações e bênçãos.
Hi Thuydao, thank you for sharing your experience! 😊 With just a small 3 square meter balcony, gardening for me is all about connecting with nature. I grow a range of vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers, but tomatoes and salads are my real winners – I hardly bought any from the store this year! I've been fortunate enough not to have had any major problems with pests or diseases, even with my kale. I don't have a greenhouse, but I rigged up a covered shelf to protect some plants during the colder months here in northern Italy. Wishing you and your family a peaceful year and a wonderful harvest.
Saya mengikuti anda sejak awal tahun lalu.. video yg anda upload selalu menginspirasi saya, tahun ini saya akan belajar menanam beberapa tamanam di halaman rumah saya seperti cabai, tomat, terong,daun seledri, dan tanaman strawberry. Saya akan belajar sedikit demi sedikit untuk berkebun ❤
This year i had thought about not growing anything, since i live in an apartment and my space is very limited, but i see your videos and i want to do it again. You inspire!!
I loved how you once showed the video of the process of making your garden and showing the beautiful bountiful harvests but this video is showing how to prepare and how to take down things to work on the new year's harvest. It was really informative and lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Благодарю вас❤ вы творите чудеса! Наслаждаюсь всегда смотря вас! Что бы вы ни делали вам все к лицу!!! Вы в этом очень органичны! Вы прекрасная семья!!! Мира вам любви и благополучия ❤
I can not express enough how inspiring your videos are. You make me feel like it's possible to do what you do. Unfortunately, I am old, and I am widowed and semi disabled. I can't even bend down to the garden, so I watch a live vicariously through these beautiful vlogs. That is all I can do. You are so blessed.
Abundance...your hands were gifted for productivity ❤
Όμορφο βίντεο και νομίζω ότι όσοι έχουν λαχανόκηπο θα πρέπει να έχουν καταγράψει τις συμβουλές σου. Εγώ δυστυχώς δεν έχω λαχανόκηπο γιατί δεν έχω ούτε χώρο αλλά και ούτε χρόνο, επίσης επειδή στο χωριό μας δεν έχει πολύ νερό το καλοκαίρι, έτσι και βάλω λαχανικά θα έχω πρόστιμο από την πολιτεία 😢. Ευτυχώς όμως έχω κήπο με λουλούδια και μου αρέσει πολύ να τά βλέπω ανθισμένα. Χαίρομαι που σέ βλέπω τόσο ήρεμη να φτιάχνεις τόσα πολλά πράγματα. Μπράβο σου κορίτσι μου . Από την Ελλάδα χαιρετισμούς ❤❤❤
Κοριτσι μου ομορφο σε ευχαριστούμε για τις πολυτιμες πληροφορίες ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This is wonderful video and stunning relaxing scenes. Thank you for sharing 💐🌻✨♥️♥️♥️
I love you your my best friend and inspiration and so on ❤ you're the real beauty and cuteness inear and outside too 😊😘