
LETS START A hamburger CHAIN 🍔

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3:38 Those are the hardcore elavators


@RealDepuTY you might not be reading this, but you can actually do myth #17 but just not with commander or DJ. With mercenary base giving a damage buff, you could do myth #17 with the brawler


1:56 bro forgot you cant use consumables in hc 💀


0:01  it goes over 20 so my brain turned off


This is outdated and only 5 myths of these 20 are true rn


i like hamburgers


This should be common sense but the invisible thing is since your camera position is locked to , so zooming in won't change it but Roblox will still think your in first person so it won't show you


6:55 idk abt commander or dj but i know that brawler can still keep the mercenary's damage buff when you use his ability


3:37 that black box might be the og crate opening area


You can't use consumables on hardcore


Fun fact: Originally, the Military base used to have a bug where if you spam place your military bases immediately, the amount of vehicles used basically slow the game down, but it wont affect your towers damage so it perfect strat to use in hardcore. Now the devs have already fixed it.


The brawler one works with merc base but still nice vid :)


you're wrong man, in myth #9: you can bug into the backroom from the right hardcore elevator, wait for people to come full the elevator then wait till the elevator comes down, you go to the first corner of the elevator as fast as possible, you will be glitched out of the map but not teleport to the match, u will get in the backroom as the way Eggrypted did. Good luck! ( I tried that once and it was a success!)


1:57 slight correction. It would NOT make beating hardcore easier as consumables are disabled in hardcore


0:54 0:56  feel like this is gonna be meta for gatling hc


That black box under the map is the hardcore elevators, there is a glitch that can get you into them


The real mystery is the actual lore of this game


1:21 ahhh yes I remember tower stacking now so nice


7:10 it works with lvl 150 tower buffs