
2:14 Who are Moscow17?
6:06 Members of Moscow17
6:56 Who are Zone-2?
10:26 Members of Zone-2
12:22 The Music Beef
15:53 The Murder of ABZ (Zone-2)
19:11 The Murder of GB (Moscow17)
23:03 The Murder of Incognito (Moscow17)
27:47 Zone-2's "No Censor", drill music's most devastating diss track.
29:00 - 30:42 Conclusion.


People saying he's giving "straight facts / information for the feds"; if a guy on YouTube can research all this, then Police definitely can as well.


Drake is at home laying on his stomach kicking his legs in the air watching this getting ready to use this info on his next album


Bro the ending on this had me in my feels, you're the goat


moscow17 vs zone 2 sounds like two league of legends teams


I didn't even really notice this at first, put there are basically no jokes at all throughout the video. He talks about the beef, the crews, and the culture with the utmost respect to everyone involved. You handled this story very well. One of the best vids on this channel, full stop.


Itโ€™s all fun and games until Trap lore pulls up on the block!!! Ten toes season !!!!!


Damn TLR is posted on the block. The opps are shook


"They played a Sonic coin sound effect every time a murder was mentioned."

That has to be the most gangster thing I've ever heard.


Man went to his barber and said "gimmie the simple jack"


As a US American I would much rather hear about the gangs over there on yall's side. Everyone knows about what we do over here.


Made sure he got out there EARLY when nobody is outside lol


i canโ€™t lie this actually had me hooked from beginning to end


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ itโ€™s always guys that look like this who know everything thatโ€™s going on in the hood in south london ๐Ÿ’€


TLR went outside? Damn, I can't believe it


All this shit is so sad and depressing man. I've been living South my whole life and everyone just wants to look as intimidating as possible. Communities are tight but not embracing of other communities. It will always be like this. RIP to all the past and future victims


imagine that there's a zone 2 member right there when this guy was putting the flowers


What made GBs death more sad was that his own mother had to clean his blood that must have been so heart breaking


This series is the best of its kind, streets wanna see more about the UK Drill scene


he looks like Theresa May with that haircut