
All of those are so real!


When you're singing a song in your head and the song starts playing 🎶


it scares me sm when literal 1-2 yr olds are able to have a full conversation bc when i was around that age i barely even spoke 💀


My little sister is one of those toddlers😅


me but when I’m thinking about something and google shows it in the predicted search 😭


I love your videos❤


hi Elizabeth! i love your videos!!!


omg the first one reminds me of the time i was with my friend at the mall and i was like, “lets get some food im kinda hungry” and 2 seconds later i get a notification from pizza hut😭


lol yes it makes me so paranoid after!😊




You’re sooooo beautiful 💗💗💗💗


Great video


Love your vids


The first one omg!!!!!




It’s cause Siri listens to you and suggests videos and ads based on your interests


Welp my moms car broke down while we were in the middle of talking about getting her a new car


Omg 100th like again!! I got 100th like yesterday too 💗😂


my 2 yr old nephew would freak u out then