
Nate: "Can you move back?" Joe: "Like this" *immediately moves back into Dusty's shot.


Thanks to "Balanced Books Bates", I checked online and found that I had $45 of unclaimed property in Kentucky and $1,634 in unclaimed property here in Tennessee! Add this to the list of "Most Useful Life Information" that I have learned from this podcast. Keep up the great work Brilliant Bates and crew!


Aaron on the computer: usually pulling up relevant information to the conversation the entire pod (usually helpful, sometimes not)
Dusty on the computer: reads vague headline and then “yeah well you can look it up on your own time”
Love the dichotomy! Keep up the great work folks!


Beige's underrated line of the week, "Phillip, if you want to come to one of my shows, I'll get you in for half price." 51:12


Brian’s prediction came true about you and Jerry!   Awesome ❤️🙌


Joe immediately covering up Dusty after being asked to stop covering up Dusty 😆


Found you guys at Episode 20 and have been watching ever since.  It's been very cool to see this channel grow: the different comedians coming on turning into the Vecchione/Warren/Zimmerman specials and now the showcase.  They've all been hilarious. Congratulations on the success and it's been great being along for the ride!


I absolutely LOVE when Dusty makes a song reference and it slips by everyone. His reference to the Sugarland song "Baby Girl" had me giggling. (Please send money, I'm so broke so that it ain't funny.) I caught it Dusty and appreciated it!!

Edit to add: I'm still waiting on Dusty, Brian, and Aaron to come to Detroit! Saw Nate in April, and he was amazing of course. But, I NEED to see the rest of the gang!!


"Nateland Company" sounds like three kids in a trench coat trying to make up an adult sounding business name 🤣


My hubby let me plan our 21st anniversary trip around seeing Nate in Portland. One day of driving down, one more to go before we’re laughing our heads off, I wish the whole crew was going to be there because we love you all!


My family and I were at the first night in SLC and it was an absolute blast. I was worried a comedy show in an arena would he lame but honestly it was so, so good to be laughing for  two hours straight with thousands of people. Thank you Nate and Joe and the lil bald dude. One of our favorite nights as a fam. ❤😂


I can’t stop watching the Nateland Podcast and I honestly don’t know why. Duty is my favorite he’s so sweet and funny. Favorite quote so far is from the Gas Station episode, ‘drink some gas’ when Dusty was adding to Nate’s rant about people being bothered. I just hear his funny voice in my head saying ‘drink some gas’ and I start laughing 😂


My takeaway from this episode: we need Aaron more than we realized.


Zimmerman in literal disbelief at some of the nonsense that is verbalized on the Nateland Podcast. He was completely unprepared. His college educated mind almost short cicuited!


Hey folks, I am a junior in college studying Biology to become a doctor (sorry dusty). In my ecology class we learned about mullerian and batesian mimicry. They are different types of prey defense mechanisms, but the names are very similar. Mullerian mimicry is when one toxic animal mimics the pattern or color of another toxic animal. Batesian mimicry is when one harmless animal mimics the color and pattern of a toxic animal. My mnemonic to differentiate the two types is all thanks to Brian. I just imagine that the BATESian animals are harmless just like ole bates. Thanks bingo for the mnemonic, and thanks guys for providing great entertainment.


U guys done ruined a funeral.  My aunt passed away and I was asked to give the Eulogy.  As I stepped to the podium I inadvertently greeted the gatherers with "Hello folks".  Just as I realized what I said a hearty "Hey Bear" rang out from the back.  I placed my head on the podium and laughed with tears.  The gatherers thought I was just sobbing away.  When I regained my composure someone said "wow he really loved his aunt".  Best funeral I ever been to!  Thanks fellas! :)


Dusty needs to read Endurance , about Shackleton. GREAT book about an incredible group of men.


Thanks for being back on the show, it suffers without you. My daughter and I listen each morning on the drive to school. We will be at your show in Columbus on the 14th and would love to snag a photo after the show!


Dusty is baaack! Missed having him on the pod. After the twitter haters on him, it's nice to see him back giving them grief (hopefully). Lol


Joe couldn’t have been a better replacement for Aaron. His polite acquiescence on some comments shared was second to none. 
 Nate - I was so very happy to hear about your well deserved nod from Jerry Seinfeld! 
  This podcast kept this special education teacher company on long nights of lesson planning, worry and being sick from the start of COVID and I’ll forever be grateful and a fan of you all ❤.