When Ellen said let’s talk about when we first met I was confused for a good 20 seconds on what he was taking about. Then it hit me it was the Netflix movie. Lol
Did they forget to add in the regifting part? 😐 🤔 That’s the main reason I clicked this video 😂
"When We First Met" is worth a watch! Surprisingly entertaining
He's the kind of person you'd want to meet again if you speak to him for the first time, every one of his answers was perfect and funny, I really enjoyed this
when she said " talk about when we first met" i really though he was talking about when he first met with ellen -_-
So crazy he is from my hometown and went to my high school in Nebraska. I even had the same dream teacher he had, but only for a year because drama wasn’t for me. Such a huge fan of Adam! Go Patriots!
But? What about the title? Not even a split second talking about it?
should be titled Adam Devine Talks about Career. not a mention of the regifting
Ellen, you seriously need to come visit us in Australia too 💖 We too need uplifting and joy during struggles that seem overwhelming and insurmountable, and that's what you bring to the screen and engender in others. I became really ill suddenly 8 years ago and my life has fallen apart around me. Every day is a struggle with pain, sickness and lack of support services (because I'm too young, live in the wrong place and have the wrong disease, according to Australian government health services, and despite being a Defence employee until given Total and Permanent Incapacity status) but you always bring a smile, love for others and compassion in the face of adversity. Thank you 💖
Adam is such an attractive person in every way.
At first I thought I read Adam Levine
They didn’t talk about the gifts!!!!!
"Can u believe that u own a house"😂😂
Adam sounds so much like Jack Black lmfao
You and Ellen make a great team. 🤣
I lovedddd 'when we first met' such an amazing movie! He's such a great actor❤ and loved the plot twist;)
He’s so funny I love him 😂❤️
He's such a funny guy 😂 he's so underrated
Ellen doing clickbait... that title is a lie