Can I recommend Ben Eater's series on building an 8 bit computer on breadboards. He has excellent understanding and grasp of the concepts you are trying to get your head around. I found his series most helpful.
Very nice. Expert editing with windowed scope displays and code displays. I like how all the hardware diagrams are using NCOT branding :)
Great video. Also inspired by Ben Eater's videos I bought the same kit.
FYI the Z80 is a 70's CPU. Also you could've just configured the 555 as a monostable to provide a single pulse per button press. Better still you could've used an output pin on the Arduino to provide the clock for the Z80.
Excelente video , me inspira a realizar el montaje arduino Z80 , gracias por compartir !!!
I'm using an Arduino Nano instead of an EEPROM for my Z80 project. Problem I had had is, the Arduino is not a tri-state device. The digital pins behave OK input mode, but the analog pins still draw too much current in input mode and therefore kept pulling my data bus down. I found a 74LS245 bus transceiver didnt work satisfactory, but 74ls241 buffer does enable me to bridge the Arduino Nano to the data bus. Bonus for using the Arduino Nano is, My "ROM" emulator code can also disassemble on the fly, which has been amazing for debugging (helped by M1 signal) This is limited to 512 bytes of address space for Z80 code on the Arduino, but my Z80 assembly coding is pretty awful and I havent written a program that big yet lol
It's funny I'm working on a debugger FOR AVR chips (as found in the Arduino)
Very interesting. Did you make any othe videos on this?
Is there a second part to this yet?
3:20 "which is not really what the cpu wants to see" actually it doesn't usually care at all, i've clocked a 6MHz Z80 with a 1-statechange-per-minute clock just for the lulz and it worked just fine :P
Very interesting. Personally I'm more a computer/software person than an electronics person. So perhaps a stupid question, but how do you make the button to give only one short pulse? That seems useful for lots of projects.
Great video. I'm getting ready to do exactly the same thing. Does anyone know if they've come up with an RC2014/MEGA card, that just let's the MEGA plug directly onto a RC2014 bus?
Bonjour, Très intéressant , mais je pense que ton interruption doit être sur le signal BAS (O volt) sur le MREQ donc FALLING et non RISING. Superbe explication , encore Merci :-)
Did you ever update this to use RD, WR and MREQ? I'm looking to use the arduino to check out a Z80 system to see what is happening.
Great Tutorial , can you share your single step circuit and code please
Nice going, James! Have you watched Julian Ilett's YouTube channel on the Z80? Your videos are inspiring me to build a Z80 machine. I'm just trying to recall what the bootup sequence of the Z80 is? i.e does it fetch an address from a particular location and jump to there?
What’s the music @5:15??
I have a simple question. From where the Z80 fetches the instructions? From what I see, there is no memory and the DATA pins are inputs in the Arduino.
I like the ♬ smiles