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I remember 2 years ago when you posted the first part and went on a break, im so glad to see a continuation of it


Good ending😊


Monster school memories 😒❀


loyal friends always have your back


This is my favourite short 🀩πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜


This is such a emotional talk, I really love and appreciate this
Ur animation looks real ❀❀❀❀❀




I'm absolutely OBSESSED with your crazy talented vr/3d animation style. Never seen. This ANYWHERE ELSE on the internet. Would only both suggest and look I've you to do other videogames. Like I could see something like doom eternal,especially, or fall out or the last of us, Or quake. And for your creepy horror vibe videos, something like the evil within in this style being INSANE. Please. If not I'd deff find a way to commission you too, but it's we wicked dope to see one of those in this style please?? amazing work my friend keep it up your fing ROOOCK. πŸ’―πŸŽ―πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺπŸ€‘


I like it😊😊😊


Good ending😊❀


Zombie: it this terrifying 
Skeleton: No i don’t think so it way is you know everything must come to the end the drip finally stop 
Zombie: see you on another side 
Skeleton: oh zombie no there is no another side this is it


Minecraft RTX ❀


Thanks for the ending I've been waiting to see it


This shorts helps me overcome the sadness when I’m diagnosed with terminal cancer


Noo😒❀ ( Why are these heartless toddlers begging for likes??? )


😊😊😊😊😊😊I love this ❀


This is the most emotional roller-coaster for me since few days ago I saw the end video and was sad I won't see this creatoragain


I already know this animation and I really like you job but I don't know why, this one make me cry, your amazing, keep going please

