Subjective Truth, Homelessness & IVF, Catechism Answers w/ Dr. Scott Sollom (November 21, 2023)
Have questions about the Catechism? We have answers!
💬 Today, Dr. Sollom will be answering the following audience questions:
1. Day 320 - Is “subjective truth” the same as an opinion? The example that Fr. Mike gave yesterday about Starbucks and the other coffee company made me think that.
2. Day 314 - Payday paycheck advances are immoral because of high interest and they’re taking advantage of the poor… intellectually, I understand. However, in my younger, newly married years, my military husband and I were in this situation. So, I’m kind of torn as to why being involved in that kind of business is automatically deemed sinful practice?
3. Day 318 - How do we engage with the poor on the streets who aren't taking advantage of government programs, or choose to continue engaging with their vices? How do we handle this in a Christlike manner?
Day 319 - Do we give to every person we see on the street?
4. Day 320 - Regarding offenses against truth: is wearing make up a form of offense against truth since it could be a form of inhibiting someone's decision making in dating them or not? Likewise for other things like renting an expensive car or trying to be seen in a certain way?
5. IVF: Is the resultant child any less in the image of / a gift from our God? What does it mean for my child who was conceived out of IVF?
6. Marriage as the Trinity: What does that mean?
📣 Catechism expert Dr. Scott Sollom from Franciscan University will be going LIVE each week to answer your questions about the Catechism as we journey through The Catechism in the Year podcast! Join us every Monday at 12:30pm ET.
Dr. Scott Sollom is a Professor of Theology at Franciscan University and the Director of the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan’s Center for Evangelization and Renewal. He has been blessed to engage in various catechetical workshops across the country as well as consult for the USCCB Institute for the Catechism. Scott has previously served as a DRE in Stillwater, Minnesota, and College Station, Texas, and as a youth minister in Hudson, Wisconsin. Scott and his wife, Mary, have five children and enjoy spending time outdoors as a family.
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To learn more about Franciscan’s Center for Evangelization and Renewal, please visit franciscanathome.com
📖 Follow along with the official Catechism in a Year Reading Plan (AscensionPress.com/CIY)
Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.
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