
United Kingdom has the BEST Geography...🇬🇧🇬🇧

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#UnitedKingom #UK #England #Scotland #Ireland #Europe #Worldwar #WW2 #Poland #France #USA #America #Geography #Countries #Shorts #Maps #geographyvideos

This video shows why United Kingdom has almost a perfect geography
So the first advantage of British geography is that it is separated from the rest of Europe by British channel, This is the reason why it was easier for United kingdom to avoid wars and defend its land compared to other european countries like Poland and Netherlands,this also allowed it to focus all of its power on its NAVY to conquer huge proportions of Globe,
secondly a huge part of great Britain is located on the great European plane, this plane is extremely good for farming and human civilization, and it is also the main reason why England has such a high population compared to the rest of kingdoms,
This video is also inspired by RealLifeLores video
Video: How Geography Made The US Ridiculously OP
Link:   • How Geography Made The US Ridiculousl...  
other good channels :
Spaghetti Road:youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
United Kingdom,Britain,Great Britain,British History,British Empire,UK,UK history,United kingdom history,UK geography,England,Scotland,Ireland,geography,Geography,history,Europe,Europe geography,Europe fun facts,Europe facts,World war,world war 2,Poland,France,Germany,Maps,Interesting maps,RealLifeLore maps,RealLifeLore,Countries,Countries maps,geography maps,geography videos,geography shorts,United states,USA,Happy earth
