FFVII Remake: INTERmission [DLC] - #2 || Lightyear Frontier - #3 (Twitch VOD)
Hello everyone, and welcome to FFVII Remake: INTERmission [DLC]! This DLC features new characters and a story that runs parallel to the main story. We play as Yuffie and follow her through Midgar while working with the main headquarters of Avalanche and hunting rare materia. Thanks for watching!!
FFVIIR EPISODE INTERmission is a brand-new adventure in the world of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE. Play as Wutaian ninja Yuffie Kisaragi as she infiltrates Midgar and conspires with Avalanche HQ to steal the ultimate materia from the Shinra Electric Power Company.
Final Fantasy VII: Remake Intergrade Playlist - • Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
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