Your Account is BETTER Than You Realize! | Relic Guide Honkai: Star Rail
Hey, this guide discusses an important topic: relic sets and substats and why your Honkai: Star Rail account is (probably) better than you realize. Today I'll go through the best DPS sets and explain why rainbow pieces or 2 piece combos may benefit you more using simulations, as well as explaining planars, and finally support relic options. You SHOULD farm for 4 pieces, but don't ignore those off set pieces either! I hope this helps for your relic farming, and like and sub if it did!
Have a guoba day! ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ
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00:00 Introduction
00:16 How Good are Our Best DPS Sets?
01:18 How much DMG do they provide?
01:58 How Calculations for Sets Work
02:11 How we will Compare Relics
03:20 The Results!
04:18 DoT Units
04:43 Conclusion for DPS Relics
06:24 DPS Planars: Should you Rainbow?
07:19 Supports: Should you Rainbow Set?
Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Youtube, Prydwen
SFX and Music: Pixabay, Hoyoverse, HoyoMix.
Model Rigged by Jupiter of Europa Craftworks (twitter.com/EuropaCrafts)
#honkaistarrail #hoyocreators #hsrguide