
PREPARE for Kafka (Sampo Guide) | Overview/Builds/Rotations/Teams

72570 2009________

Hey, this video discusses how to build sampo and how to use him! He is a DoT Nihility 4 star that is kind of unused right now due to DoT not being that prevalent right now in Star Rail. With Kafka releasing in the second half of 1.2, Sampo should see a rise in play rate. We go through his stats, abilities, eidolons, best build, light cones, relics, and more!

Have a guoba day! ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ

Sampo Infographic: twitter.com/guobacertified/status/1686815537706188…
Sampo Sheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lMLhcs5mL4Tb139-Mg…
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00:00 Intro and Video Topics
00:52 Stats and How He Compares
01:19 Abilities
01:50 Skill
02:26 Ultimate & DoT Vulnerability
02:52 Talent & how it Applies DoT
03:36 Technique & how it helps DoTs
03:59 Trace Passives & Bonuses Review
04:48 OP 4 Star Eidolons
06:10 Sampo's Pros & Cons
07:37 Best Relics
08:17 Best Main Stats & Substats
08:51 The Two Playstyles
09:55 Best Light Cones
10:50 All Rotations Explained
11:26 The Kafka Synergy
11:55 Other Strong Synergies
12:40 Team Comps Explained

Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Youtube
SFX and Music: Pixabay, Hoyoverse, HoyoMix.
UI Assets: Sr.Toasty

#honkaistarrail #hoyocreators #sampo
