The Horrible World of Kinect Games - Caddicarus
17 Kinect Games. 1 tired Caddy. Thanks to Displate for their patience with my PC issues, and for sponsoring this video! Make sure to check them out and GET MY EXCLUSIVE PRINT HERE: displate.com/caddicarus/displates?art=6049a1ce7270… ▼ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ▼
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Well then - here we are, everyone. Caddicarus is FINALLY back in the first Caddicarus episode of 2021. I know it’s April, but as many of you already know, my PC problems have been unbelievable all year. So what better way to come back than with some of the worst games ever made? More specifically - worst Kinect games ever made? From Harry Potter to Star Wars and Sonic the Hedgehog to Steel Battalion - yes - we’re going to be going through a dumpload of Microsoft Kinect games for the Xbox 360, and looking at some of the worst Kinect games of all time. Which is weird, since despite all of the Kinect E3 cringe and Kinect reveal during the Project Natal release - and all of the lies surrounding Project Milo, Star Wars, Kinectimals and SO much more - the Kinect technology became a huge success for Microsoft, and is being continued to this day with Xbox One systems - even though the Xbox One reveal with always-on Kinect was one of the worst things Microsoft ever did. You’ve all seen the Crowbcat Kinect video, it’s called the dark age of Xbox for a reason.There may be some gems in there such as The Gunstringer review with Gunstringer gameplay and even the Kinect Sports review and Kinect Adventures review with Kinect Sports gameplay and Kinect Adventures gameplay - but then we have the other Xbox 360 Kinect games. Kinect Star Wars review with Kinect Star Wars gameplay. Kinect Disneyland Adventures review with Disneyland gameplay. Kinect Harry Potter review with Harry Potter Kinect gameplay. Sonic Free Riders review with Sonic Free Riders gameplay. Rise of Nightmares review with Rise of Nightmares gameplay. Hulk Hogan’s Main Event. Raving Rabbids. Toy Story Mania. Star Wars Kinect. Oh wait, I already said that one. JonTron did that one already, right? Anyway, don’t expect to see any walkthrough or guide especially for the more linear adventures like Rise of Nightmares - and don’t expect an Angry Joe rant with Angry Joe Kinect review videos - this is me, this is 17 Xbox games using awful motion controls, and all we have left is Galactic Dance Off. Sorry, no Michael Jackson Experience or Fantasia Music Evolved here - copyright isn’t fun.
Caddicarus 8bit themes by Endigo = youtube.com/user/Endigo
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OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = youtube.com/SuperOllyRoss
Watch more comedy game reviews like my Xbox 360 Kinect review on my channel! | Caddicarus
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