
My best section FC ever.

1.1万回視聴・高評価数496 496________

This has been a work in progress for as long as I've grinded Through the Fire and Flames.

When I was going for full song at 180%, Bridge 1 did not take me very long to hit just one time, but getting consistent at it was a complete nightmare.

After tech FC'ing the song on 210% I was able to slowly push this up to 230% on stream, but after that it was a dead stop. Any increment past 230% felt completely impossible.

Fast forward 3 months and my methods have gotten much more efficient at this section and I was finally able to get 240% on Wednesday, and then 250% last night. Considering the sheer amount of time I've put into this one section, I think I do consider it my new best. Although it would be beaten heavily if I get Mega Wub Wub 2nd drop 150%

Hope you guys enjoy this insanity hahaha, I was truly questioning if this was possible for a while.

Come chat with me live!

Also check out the Discord server, I hang out here off stream!
