
Full Moon in Scopio Meditation Talk for 26 April 2021

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Full Moon in Scopio Meditation Talk for 26 April 2021

A great meditation to do when you feel like nothing you do is working.
It 's said to brings peace and mental balance.

Chanting it will bring about a relaxing feeling to your being and compassion to the situation.

Eyes: eyes are slightly opened.

Mudra: Interlace your fingers and palms facing up.
Thumbs pointing towards you. Hands below sternum.

The mantra is also called: Guru Gaitri

Gobinday, Mukanday, Udaaray, Apaaray,
Hareeang, Kareeang, Nirnaamay, Akaamay

Meaning of these words:
The 8 aspects of God.
Sustainer, Liberator, Enlightener, Infinite,
Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless.

This Super Pink Full Moon has a very hardSaturn and Uranus aspect that brings up what's not been fully spoken. Unspoken thoughts and brings sudden changes, unexpected events, restrictive change, impulsiveness and uncooperative.

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