
Shristi को लगा Electric Shot | Kundali Bhagya | Full Ep 138 | Zee TV | 19 Jan 2018

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Show Name : Kundali Bhagya
Producer/Star Cast : Karan Luthra,Shraddha Arya
Episode No : 138

Preeta apologizes to the Luthra family. This makes Kareena even angrier. The family hears the news that Karan has been taken out from the team that is going to South AfricaPreeta apologizes to the Luthra family. This makes Kareena even angrier. The family hears the news that Karan has been taken out from the team that is going to South Africa

#KundaliBhagya #zeetv #hinditvserial #Karan #Preeta #Rajveer #Palki #Shaurya #ShraddhaArya #entertainment #fullepisode #serial #video #hinditvshow #trending #drama

About Kundali Bhagya :

Karan and Preeta have been separated for 20 years. An amnesiac Preeta lives with her son, Rajveer, while Karan is with their other son Shourya. A determined Rajveer promises to give Preeta justice.

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