
Daily News Analysis | 10 Mar 2025 | Daily Current Affairs & Editorial Analysis | UPSC | NEXT IAS

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In today’s Daily News Analysis episode, we bring you a detailed and exam-focused analysis of the most important news stories from The Hindu, The Indian Express, and PIB. Our expert team breaks down the day’s headlines, offering context, relevance, and insights tailored to UPSC preparation.

📌 What’s in Today’s Episode (10th Mar 2025)?

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Madhav National Park
08:53 Smart Proteins
16:50 Tejas Aircraft
21:36 Ad hoc Judges
30:18 India–Mauritius Relations
🔸Daily News Analysis Playlist Link: bit.ly/4ge9BgF
🔸Daily News Analysis Handout Link: www.nextias.com/daily-current-affairs
#dailynewsanalysis #currentaffairs #currentaffairstoday #dailycurrentaffairs #upscpreparation #thehindu #PIB #theindianexpress #nextias #headlinesoftheday #dailynewsdecoded #DecodewithDNA #DNAForUPSC #DailyNewsforUPSC #newspaperanalysis #nextiascurrentaffairs #nextias #tejas #lcatejas #tejasaircraft #smartproteins #adhoc #judges #indiamauritius #tigerreserve #nationalpark

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