
Popular Beginner Fish I Won't Get! | And What I'd Get Instead

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As always, never is a strong word and things can definitely change (I said I'd never get lizards because I'm terrified of crickets, I'm still terrified of crickets but I most definitely have lizards). However, as of right now, these fish have been on my "do not buy" list either forever or at least for years!

For the fish I gave more moral reasons for, it's entirely personal and if you choose to get them, that's ok too! They're still going to be sold, the most important thing is always caring for the fish properly! I'm just hoping to also spread awareness of some common fish practices we might not know about.

…did you know that when I had a glofish zebra danio, as mentioned in the video that I love them, that their skeletons are also bright yellow...Weird, definitely something to think about, but I'd still buy them if I could have larger tanks.

Are there any fish you would never buy?

#beginnerfish #popularfish #tropicalfish #fishhobby #fishkeeping

I now have merch! I have mugs, clothing, stickers and more for both fish and lizard owners. Click the linktree link to access the Spring Store and also my social media and miscellaneous links.

Intro 0:00
Neons 0:20
Cory Catfish 1:54
Fluorescent Fish 2:56
Common Pleco 5:01
Black Skirt Tetra 5:50
Albino Varieties 6:24
Bonus Invertebrate! 7:28

My Equipment:
Camera: Canon EOS M6 Mark II
Lenses: Canon EF-M 18-55mm
Microphone: Samson CO2 Studio Condensor Microphone and Shure MV7 XLR/USB Podcast Microphone
Audio Recorder: Zoom H4N Pro Recorder
Lighting: Mountdog 6500K LED Softboxes
Additional Accessories: Neewer 5-in-1 Reflector; RapcoHorizon N1M1 15-Stage Microphone Cables (15 feet).

For business inquires only, email betterbettayt@yahoo.com.
Instagram: officialbetterbetta

Music by Epidemic Sound.
Some video clips/photos by Canva.

For urgent fish care assistance, please visit the Freshwater Forum on Fishlore.com. You can guarantee a much quicker response from forum members than I can on YouTube.


Q: How many fish tanks do I have?
A: One! But I often film my mom's tanks as well, so you will see more than the two on my channel!

Q: Will I ever get a betta sorority/breed bettas?
A: Nope and nope! Both require a lot of work, money, and time to perfect- neither of which I'm willing or able to provide!

Q: How do you name your fish?
A: Sometimes I'm inspired by a character in a show or movie, or someone in real life like a celebrity. More often than not, however, I literally just choose whatever pops into my head- its like names I love but would never name my future children for whatever reason haha
