
【一天吃什麼?】日本人夫婦的一天用餐日常生活 / 調味料的使用方法 / 蒜香醬油雞鍋 / 日式煎蛋捲 / 竹糠醃製 / 味噌湯 / What I eat in a day!

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Today I filmed us making lunch and dinner as part of our family's daily meal routine. We use seasonings and dried foods from the Kojiko Shoten store we opened. We have also included tips on how to use them in the video, so please take a look.Thank you very much for visiting our site. We know that shopping on an overseas site can be a bit intimidating. However, most of the products we sell are valuable items that are not available in other countries, and even if they are available, they are three to five times more expensive than the products we sell. We sell our products at the manufacturer's suggested retail price in Japan, so you can get a very reasonable price, even if you have to pay overseas shipping costs and customs duties. In addition, we select our products with our own discerning eye, so you can use them with peace of mind. Even if you are still too scared to buy, we believe that you will be able to expand your world if you give it a try!

The products used in this video are listed below. We hope you will try cooking healthy, safe, and delicious food!

Thank you very much for watching our videos.

Products used in the video
●Black roasted brown rice: x.gd/nnLjH
●Snow salt: x.gd/fvvKQ
● Ishigaki salt (180g): x.gd/4VdVe (500g): x.gd/tKhh0
●Kyo-no-Dashi pack: x.gd/LeNcn
●New product - Dried bonito soup stock pack: x.gd/ew2k0
●Naruto dried wakame seaweed: x.gd/yJT7u
●Organic noodle soup: x.gd/J4EBw
●3-year aged miso (barley): x.gd/54mVj
      (Rice: x.gd/U69nL
     (Organic brown rice: x.gd/pMhCh
●Organic white soup stock: x.gd/lr6KD
●Fermented bamboo salted rice-bran paste: x.gd/Ob3KX
●Ryujin-ume pickled plums: x.gd/RcU1D
●Gluten-free Akane tamari soy sauce: x.gd/bsWQa
●Umi no Sei light soy sauce: x.gd/VtRS3
●Dried shiitake mushrooms grown on logs (Fuyugi): x.gd/4otJk
●Rausu kelp: x.gd/ZXQAy
●Stainless steel server (small): x.gd/DoRn2
●618 scallop powder: x.gd/Mq8nh


