Gogol’s Dead Souls and The Nose
Today I will answer the following questions. Who was Nikolai Gogol? What are some of his best works? I’ll summarise his masterpiece, Dead Souls, and discuss his style of writing, and why he was such a comic genius. In the end I will tell you about some of his great short stories. Also his influence on world literature, from Japan to China, from Russia to Europe. But first let me tell you a bit about Gogol’s life.
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🕔Time Stamps🕔
00:00 Introduction
01:05 Nikolai Gogol’s biography
06:44 Dead Souls Summary
18:06 Gogol’s Comic style
19:24 Gogol’s depiction of Russian people
22:39 Gogol’s Critique of bad capitalism
24:13 Gogol’s Diary of a Madman (short story)
25:26 Gogol’s Government Inspector (play)
26:46 Gogol’s the Overcoat (short story)
27:55 Gogol’s The Nose (short story)
31:07 Gogol’s Legacy
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