SUN vs. The Largest Stars In The Universe 🤯 w/Joe Rogan #stars #cosmology #sun
The Sun, despite its hugeness, is a pretty ordinary star. There are uncountable stars bigger than the sun and everyone who's even slightly familiar with the subject knows that. But not everyone can even imagine to what extent other stars can be bigger than the Sun.
There are SUPERgiants.
There are giants.
And then there are HYPERgiants.
Let's focus on them, the hypergiants.
Giant stars.
Join Joe Rogan as he compares sizes of stars like "SIRIUS A", "POLLUX", "ARCTURUS", "SAGGITTARIUS A, "ALUDRA", a Blue Hypergient "PISTOL STAR", "STEPHENSON 2-18", and super massive Black Hole "Ton 618".
#cosmology #star #solarsystem #sirius #pollux #arcturus #saggitarius #ton618