
Amazing Small-Scale House Construction | From Foundation To Last Detail @OUROBOROS-ARQ192

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Small scale models of buildings serve a multitude of purposes in architectural practice, design education, and urban planning. These meticulously crafted miniature replicas play a crucial role in visualizing, analyzing, and communicating architectural concepts, enabling architects, designers, clients, and stakeholders to explore spatial relationships, evaluate design options, and make informed decisions throughout the design process.

Ouroboros Arq is a channel in which small scale modeling has become another way of art. Their models are so realistic and well done that we desire to be smaller. It would be the perfect way to enjoy their proposals.

If you want to be amazed, just stay, because every building minute is worth it.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/ouroboros_arq/
Youtube:    / @ouroboros-arq192  
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@ouroborosarq
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ouroborosarq/?locale=es_LA
Email: ouroboros.arq@gmail.com
Phone: +57 313 2895830

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