
Geeta Basra ने किसको दे दिए थे Cricket के Passes? |The Kapil Sharma Show |Celebrity Birthday Special

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Enjoy a specially curated clip of Geeta Basra on her birthday. She is excited to be on the show and enjoys Kapil's witty humor. Stay tuned to know what happens next.

Show Name: The Kapil Sharma Show Season 1
Star Cast: Rishaab Chauhan, Kashmira, Harbhajan Singh, Geeta Basra

#thekapilsharmashow #setindia #दीकपिलशर्माशो #happybirthday #birthday #birthdayspecial #setindia #anupamkher #satishkaushik #pankajtripathi

About The Kapil Sharma Show :
Kapil Sharma is back with a new 'Salah Center' (Consultancy Business) in a Mohollah with absurd characters. The wealthy milkman Bachcha Yadav (Kiku Sharda) with his wife Titli Yadav (Bharti Singh) and sister-in-law Bhoori (Sumona Singh) is the one who has rented out houses within the Mohollah and is Kapil Sharma's business partner. The neighbours in the Mohollah are also full of quirks and don't shy away from the antics. With celebrities gracing every episode, The Kapil Sharma Show promises fun-filled entertaining weekends.

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Geeta Basra ने किसको दे दिए थे Cricket के Passes? |The Kapil Sharma Show |Celebrity Birthday Special
