[OLD] Santa Claus Saves the Earth Review | Badvent Calendar (DAY 14 - Worst Games Ever)
Welcome to Day 14 of the Badvent Calendar, where Caddy does a quick review of the 12th worst game he's ever played. CHEAP GAMES (sometimes less than $1!) EVERY 24 HOURS! = chrono.gg/caddy ▼ MORE LINKS BELOW ▼
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Consider this a very quick Santa Claus Saves the Earth review. Welcome to the Badvent Calender - Caddy's 2018 Christmas/Holiday special where every single day until December 25th, he'll be counting down through the worst games ever made. At least, the worst games HE has ever played. So it goes without saying, this list series won't be exactly the same as any other person online! But that's what makes it fun, right? Happy Holidays, all.
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OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = vimeo.com/ollyross
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What game do you think will arrive next?!
Watch more videos, including comedy game reviews like my main show (Caddicarus) on my channel below! | Caddicarus