
Was Fallout New Vegas as good as I remember? -Revisiting the Mojave a decade later

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Join me as I take a look at arguably the best Fallout in the franchise.

All drawings are done by my talented wife: twitter.com/Cakefan220

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I would list the mods, but I removed them later, so uh... Just sort nexus mods by top rated and go nuts.

America the Beautiful by NYO-USA:    • America the Beautiful for Orchestra  
20th Century Boy by T. Rex (please don't copyright me, I'm a cool guy)
That's Enough from the Jet Set Radio OST
Pappapa by MFakka & johto
The item get song from the Animal Crossing New Horizons OST
Oshama Scramble! (uncut edition) by t+pazolite

00:00- Intro
02:58- Starting out
11:33- Novac onward
16:21- The Khans
20:55- The Strip
35:58- The Boomers
40:02- The Brotherhood of Steel
44:43- Choosing the NCR
51:58- Final thoughts
54:06- Outro

This video is brought to you by reverb all day baby.

Thanks for watching!
