
How Good are 1.1's Banners? | New Unit & Light Cone Reviews | 4* Eidolon Breakpoints

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This will go through how good the 5 stars are, how good the 4 stars are and their eidolons, as well as the strength of the light cones which were also revealed. So this review is a new thing, and I would've done one for Jing Yuan if I wasn't so late. The light cone banners themselves aren't out (unless leaks) yet so I'll discuss them at a later date.

Have a guoba day ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ
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0:00 Intro and Why to Pull in General
1:04 Silver Wolf: How OP is she?
4:02 How good are her 4 Stars?
5:53 Luocha: An insanely versatile Healer
7:29 Are his 4 Stars as good as Silver Wolf's?
9:18 Best 4 Star Eidolons to get
9:38 Silver Wolf's LC: The best Nihility LC
10:59 Luocha's LC: A potent but niche boost
11:37 The Free 4* LC: A great buff for Nihility
12:30 Light Cone Summary

Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki
SFX and Music: Pixabay
UI Assets: Sr.Toasty
