
I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 129

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Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

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In this week’s episode we cover:

1. AHi Andrea! I watch your podcast every week while I sit and knit with my cat on my lap, it’s one of my favorite weekend rituals! I have a question about steeking mosaic. I know it’s not recommended but I would love to cardiganize the Alpenglow. I’ve seen some people do it simply by adding a steek column. Would this work fine or would it unravel with time? I own the Shiftigan pattern so I was wondering if it’d be better to modify the mosaic part as you did in the Shiftigan. I also own a sewing machine so would reinforcing the steek with the sewing machine work well for the mosaic? Sorry if this question is too lengthy, but I do look forward to your answer. Thank you!

Yvonne Knits instagram - www.instagram.com/missingmuffin/

2. So I have big boobs and a big tush - the boobs stick out far which means I usually have to make a sweater longer than the pattern calls for (for my size) and bc my tush sits higher on my back it makes my back waist length shorter than average. So when im knitting my sweater is long enough in the back 3-4 inches before the front! (When its long enough in the back its just under my boobs in front) so for it to be long enough in the front it usually puddles up in my tush in the back. Its so frustrating. Is there any thing I can do to fix this or at least make it better.

Ysolda (dart post) - ysolda.com/blogs/journal/bust-darts-in-sweaters-wi…
Little Red in the City - ysolda.com/products/little-red-in-the-city-ebook

3. I recently bought the Curio Socks pattern and knit my first sock. I think my biggest problem is determining the size. How exactly do I measure my foot circumference. And is the negative ease already calculated in the finished measurements or do I need to subtract that? I have a 7 footsize and a very high arch. So which size will fit me best? I also want to use my handspun to knit the socks, but my gauge is way off. In previous episodes you showed projects that you knit with your handspun. So I was wondering how you adapt the pattern to another gauge. Shawl and sweaters are okay, but I'm very new at sock knitting. Thank you for considering this question.

4. Hi Andrea! I'm about halfway done the body of the tessellated pullover and - long-story short - I've never been compelled to learn continental until this sweater 😂 it's my first fingering weight sweater and I've made it 25 years exclusively knitting English style but I think it maybe time. I know it's unwise to switch and learn a new style midway through this project but are there any patterns for smaller projects or resources you would recommend to start building the muscle memory for continental on the side? Thank you for bringing more knitting joy to the world and hopefully see you soon in rhinebeck!

Arne & Carlos Norwegian purl -    • The Norwegian Purl Revisited by (ARNE...  

5. Hi! I have understood that you have several spinning wheels. I am contemplating buying a wheel myself but it is hard to grasp what is important to consider fo such a purchase. It would be interesting if you could talk through your wheels. What are their features and advantages/disadvantages? How do they complement each other?

Melachite on instagram - www.instagram.com/melachite.knits/

I am wearing the Inclinations Shawl:

Rhinebeck 2023 Tessellated KAL: Instagram - #RhinebeckTessellatedKAL & link: www.instagram.com/explore/tags/rhinebecktessellate…

Ravelry KAL Forum - www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/topics/4266…

Facebook KAL Forum - www.facebook.com/groups/6509872319032927/

Attune Shawl SAL/KAL Ravelry forum: www.ravelry.com/discuss/wool-n-spinning/topics/426…
Instagram Hashtag: #spintoknitATTUNE
Rachel’s YouTube Video: youtube.com/live/jmYqOdGbLQg?feature=share&t=775

Ask a question for next week’s Q&A: forms.gle/pKM9gF9SixkdQwmS7
