Community: CoSM August Full Moon Ceremony
| Chapel of Sacred Mirrors |
► BECOME A MEMBER: bit.ly/3kuxOEa
► Website | www.cosm.org/
► DONATE | www.cosm.org/donate
► CoSM Shop | shop.cosm.org/
| Performances |
"Higher Power" by Kyle Bent
► Youtube | youtube.com/user/OfficialKogUtubepage
► Instagram | www.instagram.com/loyal4bent/
► Facebook | www.facebook.com/KyleBentmusic
"Volans" by Murat Sayginer
► Youtube | youtube.com/user/muratsayginer
► Instagram | www.instagram.com/muratsayginer/
► Facebook | www.facebook.com/muratsayginerpage
► Website | www.muratsayginer.com/
"Beat the Drum Harder" by HuDost
► Youtube | / @hudost
► Instagram | www.instagram.com/_hudost/
► Facebook | www.facebook.com/hudost
► Website | www.hudost.com/home
"Placemaking" by Delvin Solkinson
► Website | www.visionarypermaculture.com/
► Instagram | www.instagram.com/visionary_permaculture/
| Alex Grey |
► Website | www.alexgrey.com/
► Instagram | bit.ly/3shPw0P
► Facebook | bit.ly/3rixvOC
| Allyson Grey |
► Website | www.allysongrey.com/
► Instagram | bit.ly/3f7Pzsl
► Facebook | bit.ly/3rdYwmn
Consider making a donation to our project.
Any contribution offers a gift for the future.
► www.cosm.org/donate