
Beginner's Guide to Controlling Stepper Motors with Arduino

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Curious about how to control a stepper motor with Arduino? In this beginner-friendly Arduino tutorial, I'll guide you through the entire process of connecting your stepper motor to an Arduino Uno and coding an Arduino sketch that controls direction and speed. First, I'll show you step-by-step how to wire your stepper motor to an Arduino Uno using the correct motor driver module. Then, I'll show you how to choose the correct external power supply for your stepper motor and how to wire it into the circuit. Finally, I'll demystify the Arduino code with line-by-line explanations so you understand how every part works and even write your own code from scratch to use in your unique projects.

🔗 Full Tutorial & Code: racheldebarros.com/arduino-projects/control-steppe…

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🛒 BUILD YOUR OWN Stepper Motor with Arduino Project:
Arduino Uno: amzn.to/4cJrYZu
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor: amzn.to/3YzO5Ok
ULN2003 Motor Driver: amzn.to/4die8hI
Female DC Power Jack Adapter: amzn.to/4dkYDoA
5V 2A DC Power Adapter: amzn.to/4dByVMI
Breadboard: amzn.to/4dh5wXX
Jumper Wires: amzn.to/3zw9bTg

🎬 VIDEO CHAPTERS: How to Control Stepper Motors with Arduino
0:00 Welcome
0:06 Intro to Stepper Motors & Motor Drivers
1:07 How to Wire a Stepper Motor to Arduino
1:30 How to Power a Stepper Motor
2:53 Arduino Code Explanation: Stepper Motor Full Revolution
8:14 Modifying Arduino Code: Customize Speed and Direction
9:10 Get the Arduino Code Examples
9:33 Join my Community for Live Events & More Code!

💬 Have any questions or want to share your own experiences, tips and advice about controlling stepper motors with Arduino? Drop a comment below – I love hearing from you!

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