It's Our Third Birthday! Whoo-Hoooo!
We are celebrating our third birthday at Go Kid Music! If you are near Brighton UK this half term (February 21st 2019), come along to our birthday family gig!
Follow this link to find out more and book your tickets now: www.gokidmusic.com/tickets/
If you haven't joined our Go Kid Music Club yet - what are you waiting for?!! It is an online club for children anywhere in the world! It features loads of fantastic original songs by Al -and she'll teach you how to sing and sign them in the song videos!
You can download all the audio, lyrics and backing tracks and take them with you wherever you go - great for long journey's and rainy days! Try our club for a month - join and pay for 6 months or a year - or just pay as you go. It's really good value and makes a great alternative to staring at a screen -this is SMART screen time as they are great for learning too - loads of educational benefits :-)
Check it out here: club.gokidmusic.com/
We are a social enterprise and offer free membership to organisations who work with children - hospitals, residential units, foster placements etc. We have special rates for schools - all the info is at the link!
Please get in touch at club@gokidmusic.com
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for new songs!
Follow us!
FB: www.facebook.com/gokidmusic
IG: www.instagram.com/gokidmusic
TW: twitter.com/gokidmusic
More info at gokidmusic.com/